This category has some sample courses you can take. They don't require any registration, and your answers and scores are not recorded. This will give you a good idea of how to use a course if you decide to join my academy. 

Learning How to Set a Goal

This course is for the salesperson who wants to get ahead faster and start making more money sooner. Based o the wisdom of Stephen Covey and the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this course will teach you how to set a goal based on what you want to earn AND, how to know if you're doing a good job for your company. 

Teacher: Spike Santee

The Future of Media

"The Future of Media – Intersection of Advertising and Technology," Rishad Tobaccowala will discuss the continued transformation of advertising, marketing and technology applications, and focus on how this continued evolution can benefit the radio industry and its potential to enhance business and career opportunities.

Break the Rules, Close More Sales!

Everything we do (or avoid doing) is driven by a belief. And while some of the beliefs we have support our success in sales, others actually create barriers and blind spots. During this eye-opening session, L’areal Lipkin will break down four common sales beliefs (rules) that get in the way of achieving MASSIVE success.

Teacher: Spike Santee